  • 歷史搜尋:
  • 熱門搜尋:
    沈建宏逃死蟑螂道歉 急症搜索清水隧道安靜害蟲婆婆
  • 搜尋:

    no show 結果共16筆

  • Hou Yu-ih confirms no toxic chemicals in air after fire

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih assures public safety following a warehouse fire in Shenkeng District. Air quality tests show no hydrogen fluoride or heavy metals. Environmental agencies monitor PM2.5, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide levels. Safety measures include avoiding the area, keeping doors and windows shut, wearing masks, and seeking medical advice if needed. Shenkeng District’s Health Center prepares for potential medical demands, while hospitals provide emergency treatment and care for respiratory symptoms. The city government continues to oversee air and water quality examinations to ensure public safety.
    2024/02/22 10:38
  • 唱空城! 彰化政見會「阮厚爵落跑、謝衣鳳NO SHOW」

    2024/01/03 19:30
  • Lai Ching-te’s property ownership deemed legitimate

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance clarifies that the property at Lai Ching-te’s permanent residence was not illegally transferred from public to private ownership. The Finance National Property Administration states that land registry data show the property has always been privately owned and has no record of being expropriated from state ownership. Accusations of profiteering corruption against Lai by former legislator Chiu Yi and media personality Mao Chia-ching are refuted by the FNP, which reiterates that the land has been privately owned since 1940 with no records of state ownership or transfer.
    2023/12/26 22:18
  • Masked palm civet killed by chimp in Taipei Zoo

    An adult masked palm civet tragically fell to its death after mistakenly entering a chimpanzee enclosure at the Taipei Zoo. The incident occurred on December 15 and was witnessed by onlookers. The civet was attacked and killed by a chimpanzee, leaving visitors shocked. Taipei Zoo spokesperson Eric Tsao explained that while precautions are taken to ensure animal safety, it is impossible to completely close off each area due to animal welfare considerations. Tsao emphasized that this event serves as a reminder that local wildlife species can occasionally wander into the zoo. Chimpanzees exhibit a group defense behavior pattern and will attack intruders until they show no signs of life. Upon being alerted about the incident, zoo staff followed the Standard Operating Procedure and managed to lure the chimpanzees inside before addressing the situation. However, the civet had already died. The deceased civet, considered a sensitive species in terms of communicable disease control, will be sent to a professional health institution for tests to determine if it carried any infectious diseases.
    2023/12/22 14:05
  • 訂到「全台最難預約牛肉麵」卻放鳥 老闆火大公開身分:列黑名單

    2023/11/15 19:08
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • Newborns to be enrolled in nationwide healthcare project

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has announced the enrollment of all newborn babies in the nationwide "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children." Parents with children under the age of three are also encouraged to participate in the project at no additional cost. The project has seen positive results since its launch, treating cases of prolonged jaundice and tracking patients for fluoride treatment and developmental delays. Enrollment numbers show that 37.6% of the nation’s population has participated, with an increase in participation from vulnerable families and groups. The project aims to identify developmental delays and provide integrated systems for health and social care services, particularly for children in high-risk families. The Ministry is working to increase accessibility by engaging hospitals at all levels and allowing parents to choose their preferred medical institutions registered for the project.
    2023/10/25 17:33
  • 中秋大阪團「消失的28人」找到了! 真相揭曉旅行社賠慘

    中秋連假期間,不少國人都搭機出遊,但卻傳出有一個28人的「大阪團」,旅客、導遊直至航空公司關櫃都無人出現、全團no show,一行人宛如人間蒸發,令航空公司相當詫異,直言從沒發生過類似情形。如今真相出爐,原來是有旅行社用假名單包下中秋檔期,想以先付錢後找人的方式出團,未料最後卻忘了此事,粗估損失至少30萬。
    2023/10/05 16:27
  • 連假飛大阪28人團「集體失蹤」 旅行社出包?同業直呼離譜

    今年度中秋連假期間,出現一起離奇的旅行團集體失蹤事件。一28人團旅行團欲前往日本大阪旅遊,竟在出發當天全團包括領隊都「no show(未報到)」,這樣罕見的情況,不僅是航空公司感到莫名,更讓旅行社人員直言離譜。
    2023/10/02 19:37
  • 16人用餐前2小時取消訂位 網見一舉動反讚:是好客人

    2023/03/01 16:38
  • 台男訂房竟No Show!湯布院飯店慘虧5.6萬 當事人回應了

    2023/01/22 15:50
  • 繼詠春之後!殘劑名稱恐遭誤解劣等 醫:應該叫益生劑

    台灣疫苗到貨量不足,儘管開放18歲以上民眾登記接種意願,但很多年輕人還是打不到,而政府也有開放一般診所施打「殘劑」也就是假設1瓶可以打10人,有時候有人No Show,或是多出1、2人份,可以通知登記的人來打,不過就有醫師表示,殘劑這個名字讓很多人誤解是次等品,應該改名叫「益生劑」。
    2021/07/26 12:12
  • 愛放餐廳鴿子!訂位平台用這招防堵

    2016/12/08 18:00
  • 除夕夜怕被預訂客放鴿子 先收3到5成訂金

    除夕夜圍爐,很多人會選擇到餐廳用餐,但不管訂哪一家,應該都有發現,訂位後,就像預定民宿一樣,必須先付3到5成的訂金,甚至有餐廳要求餐費先收;消費者覺得狐疑,平常訂位也不用付訂,怎麼除夕夜就要,餐廳業者就說,因為圍爐菜色比較好,食材要先準備,另外也怕被客人放鴿子,保留了座位卻「no show」,空的位置又不敢給候補客人
    2015/01/25 18:29
  • ​又來!15台遊客預約餐廳no show 史丹利:出國以來最丟臉

    (網路新聞中心/馮珮汶) 難道台灣最美的風景,真的已不再是「人」了嗎?還記得之前曾經有日本旅館紙門被戳破、定熱門餐廳或旅館時間到卻NO SHOW,這些糟糕的行為讓友善的日本人漸漸對於台灣人的印象大打折扣,旅行過各國的網路紅人「史丹利」昨(29)日就在臉書PO出一篇自己的部落格文章,指出赴日餐廳用餐時,竟然遇到有15名台灣人預約座位卻放鴿子,導致店家生意受影響,痛斥這是出國旅遊「最丟臉的事」,還說台灣人到底怎麼了
    2014/12/30 12:27
  • 訂機票未成行罰! 新航4/14要收3千2

    訂了機票要是臨時有事無法成行,記得要打通電話跟航空公司取消,因為攸關您的荷包。新加坡航空從4月1日開始,將會針對旅客收取「No Show」,也就是未成行的費用,經濟艙會加收3200,頭等艙更高達9600;但為了給旅客2星期的緩衝期,新航表示,4月1日開始試行,4月14日才會正式上路。只不過,消基會就質疑,這項規定有經過主管機關同意嗎?痛批根本是巧立名目。
    2010/03/31 12:40
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